Monday, August 26, 2013

Corn, Corn, Corn...Nuthin' but Corn

The title is from one of my ALL time favorite movies, Second Hand Lions. If you haven't seen this movie, rent it! It's a good one and I won't ruin it with explaining the quote.
SO, after buying a crate of corn from the Dallas Farmer's Market on Saturday, I was beginning to feel that there was "nuthin' but corn!"  My husband and I shucked it on the back porch, this part is messy. Then the fun began. After blanching the corn for 8 minutes, then placing in a ice water bath for 8 minutes, we made 5 packages with 3 ears of corn, and vacuum sealed them for the freezer...that was the easy part. Continuing the blanch and ice water bath process, I placed them in a roasting dish with a towel to help absorb the extra water. As I was doing this, the MR. starting cutting the corn off of the cob. He is always engineering something, so he used a bundt cake pan to help stabilize the standing corn and then the kernels feel into the pan as he cut them off the cob...GENIUS!! I followed the Ball Blue Book recipe and pressure cooking instructions for Whole Kernel Corn and it made the process pretty easy, but it took ALL afternoon. Our pressure cooker only holds 9 pint jars at a time, so we had to process twice to get all 16 jars done. 
The six half pint jars contain Corn Cob Jelly. We have been watching some canning videos on YouTube and found the idea HERE. Like she says in the video, it does have a taste like that of honey...surprisingly good!
We did have one mishap, but I guess if you aren't breaking jars, you aren't trying. We opened up the pressure cooker after the first batch to find corn floating everywhere and then realized that one of the jars did indeed break. Hopefully it was just an imperfection in the glass and not the fact that the MR. kept telling me,"Don't overfill the jars! Be sure to leave the right amount of headspace!" And of course, we left out some to enjoy for dinner! 
I encourage you to get to the farmer's market and get some fresh corn to enjoy this winter...Happy Canning!

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