Friday, August 23, 2013

College Prep

College Prep? Oh, I have plenty of time for that, right?
As we all know, time flies when you are having fun, and as my grandad would say, even when you're not. Preparing kids for college seems like a daunting task if you ask me. Starting the home school journey a little later than most, we have had no time to waste when it comes to preparing for the college exams. 

Here are a few of the resources we have found to help her prep:

 After attending a seminar at a local community college, we were on a mailing list for this company. The best part about getting on the mailing list was when they sent us a notice about an opportunity to take a FREE ACT, SAT, OR PSAT. I realize this is a tactic to get your money in the end, however, we took advantage of the opportunity. Having a daughter with test anxiety, it was nice for her to take the test when "it didn't matter."  She got to experience the test without the normal pressure and it proved to really boost her confidence. She returned a week later to get her score and a 1 1/2 hour review of test, along with tips for taking the test in the future. 

2. Flash cards     
 Barron's flash cards have proved to be a great resource. We ordered ours HERE. Each test section has a set of cards devoted to test strategy and a set of cards devoted to sample questions. The sample question cards have explanations for the right answer, as well as why the other answers are not correct. Having these flashcards has helped my daughter feel like taking this test is a game instead of testing her for knowledge, which is exactly how they are designed.

3. Books of the tests
 We were fortunate enough to have a former co-worker of mine give us a test prep book that her daughter had only slightly used. The Kaplan SAT test prep book has 12 full length practice tests. It contains detailed answer explanations, similar to the flash cards. I am sure there are many others, but this is the one we happen to have and use.

Keep in mind the learning style of your teenager when considering which source or sources to use. One or even a combination of the resources may benefit you, while some of the options may be a waste of time. This is by no means an exhaustive list of college prep material, just a few of the ones we have found and have used. 

I would enjoy hearing what you have done for your college bound student! I can NEVER have too much help in this area.  Thanks for stopping by.

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