Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Home School History

Where do I fall in this chart? I am a parent of one. I have an associate degree in dental hygiene. We spend over $600 a year for schooling...we pay to have my daughter's records kept by Bridgeway Academy. My husband and I were not home school. We began home schooling because we were not satisfied with the education our daughter was receiving at the local high school. We live in Texas, so the regulation on home schooling is simple. We have been home schooling for one year, about to start junior year of high school! If you have found this as a result of searching out information to decided if home schooling is the right thing for your family, I hope this has helped in some small way. The decision to school your child/children at home is a BIG ONE! The reasons are personal and only you can decide what is best for you and your kiddos...and remember YOU know them BEST. I was really the last person on earth that thought she would be a home school mom, yet it has been one of the best decisions I have made as a parent. My daughter is not only happier but healthier because of the decision. I would love to hear where you and your family fall in this chart! Thanks for stopping by! Homeschooled: How American Homeschoolers Measure Up
Source: TopMastersInEducation.com

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