Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Freezer Frustration?

A few years ago we purchased a freezer to have the extra space to stock up on meat and veggies...and pizzas! My wonderful husband was insistent that we purchase a chest freezer because they are more energy efficient. I really had no opinion at the time, so I agreed energy efficiency was a good selling point. HOWEVER, I soon came to realize that chest freezers are hard organize!! If the one freezer was devoted to one particular item, it wouldn't be such a problem. I don't know too many people that have this luxury, but if you do...I am jealous. 

Does your freezer look something like this??


I searched the internet for ideas to get this freezer in some kind of order. After getting an idea that I needed some sort of stackable bucket, the shopping began. I finally found a milk crate type container at my local Wal Mart...imagine that! 

I designated meat to one crate, pre-made items to another, and veggies to the last one. This makes getting in the freezer much more digging to try and get items. All I have to do now is move the top crate to reach items stored on the bottom of the freezer. I did keep the two small baskets that came with the freezer as well. The small baskets only allowed me to use 3 of the 4 crates I had purchased, but do not worry, the fourth crate got put to use holding extra Mason jars and lids. My freezer has a small shelf to the left side...I didn't get a picture of it...the dimensions didn't allow for two crates on the bottom, so I utilized this small space by placing a gallon of milk and a pre-packaged item there.


Freezer Frustration is gone! The first few days, I would find reasons to go get an item out of the freezer just so I could admire the organization. It has made grocery shopping and meal planning easier as well because I can actually see what we already have on hand. What have you done to help organize your freezer? 

Thanks for stopping by and Happy Organizing!

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