Sunday, July 14, 2013


Since reduce, reuse and recycle is the responsible thing to do, I started using cloth napkins quite a few years ago. Initially, before the desire to learn to sew, I purchased them at various places and usually on clearance.

After the desire to sew came over me and a few sewing classes later, I began making my own cloth napkins. Fun for two main reasons...NUMBER ONE: I made them and NUMBER TWO: I had fun picking out the fabric! Initially, my method was very simple and was basically a double fold on all side and just edge stitching around the perimeter as best I could. Of course, the corner part drove me CRAZY and therefore, I began scouring the internet for a good mitered corner tutorial.  Alas, it did not take long to find the "go to" mitered napkin tutorial here!

The only thing I have changed from her instructions is to make my everyday napkins smaller. Making the napkins smaller helps when it comes to storage, since I have limited drawer space in my kitchen. The smaller size makes them easy to pack in a lunch, throw in the picnic basket, and less fabric means less cost...always a plus!

I have given napkins as gifts as well...Mother's Day, Christmas and just because. I have recently added some to the shop, so if you don't sew or would like some but don't have the time to make them, please visit and take a gander!

Thanks for stopping by...happy sewing and creating!

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