Tuesday, June 11, 2013


I had picked up a soil testing kit at one of the home improvement stores a few months ago. At the time, I had great intentions of getting the soil tested, gathering all of the needed supplements and integrating them into the yard this spring. However, since it is June 11, I think I missed the original target date.  Today presented with a little extra "free" time while the girls finished up Bible testing, perfect time for soil testing. (I had gathered soil a few days ago so that it could dry out.)

Starting with the pH test: This basically revealed that our pH is around 7.0 to 8.0. That is basically neutral. Not starting off so good.  I knew that our soil was basically strip farmed but I was holding on to the belief that it really couldn't be "that" bad.

Now on to the nutrient testing: Nitrogen, Phosphorous, Potassium (NPK)
And yes, it really was "that" bad. Basically finding that the soil that surrounds our home is worthless :( I tested it THREE different times...I couldn't actually believe that it had NOTHING!!
I guess in some ways it should make me feel better, right? I mean maybe it wasn't my gardening techniques after all!

Now the daunting task of knowing where to start in fixing this problem.  I think we will have to start with having it tilled up, ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING added, and a whole lot of patience.  Any and all suggestions are welcome. 

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