Saturday, December 29, 2012


Since have started sewing more frequently I have found myself wanting some kind of journal or "system" to keep up with projects and "To Do's".  I also wanted somewhere to note any adjustments or other project notes that may be useful when making the item in the future.  I searched the internet and found some pretty basic forms, but I wanted something that was "pretty" and functional.
Having a weakness for all things paper and my incessant need to make lists, I had a good supply of journals. Some have had a few pages used, others used a lot, and some not used at ALL!!  I decided on one that was slightly used, gathered neglected scrapbooking supplies and went to work.

I did not think to take an initial picture, so this is the original inside cover...the outside had fingernail polish and said something about Peace Love Recycle :)

I knew I wanted it to be bright and inspiring. These are some of the items I got together at the beginning. However, if you have ever scrapbooked, you know that the pile kept growing. I wanted one more thing here or there, so items continued to come out of the closet.
  The cover is simple enough with pretty paper and my initial.

    The Create section is for Etsy notes.

  The Inspire section is to hold notes on blogging ideas.

 The Playful section is to hold Project Notes, the whole reason I made the journal!

I did mount 2-3x5 index cards to the front and back of each page in this section to potentially hold up to 36 projects. I made a "Note to Self" so that each project note will have consistent information. As you can see, I quickly put this section to use.

The Style section is to put pictures or writings of things I like and that capture my style.

  Happy section is for my "TO DO" makes me happy to get to mark something off :)

The Smart section is an extra and I like seeing Smart in my journal.

The bonus to this project is that I did not have to go buy anything...I used items I already had on hand!  I hope that this has inspired you in some way to be creative and somewhat organized all at the same time.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

OPEN for business

I have officially managed to get through the tedious process of opening my Etsy shop. You can visit  at Feedback is always nice, especially when doing something for the first time. I currently have one item listed for sale, but do not panic...there is much more to come.
Thanks for stopping by!